A study of the effects of the changes adopted in the 2002 Curriculum of the Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés-Opción Enseñanza at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of The University of El Salvador

Genovez Cabeza, Alma Yanira and Galdámez Hernández, Carmina Soraya and Martínez, Cristela and Puentes Cadenas, Edwin Alonso (2007) A study of the effects of the changes adopted in the 2002 Curriculum of the Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés-Opción Enseñanza at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of The University of El Salvador. Bachelor thesis, Universidad de El Salvador.

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This qualitative study focuses on an Analysis of the Effects of the Changes Adopted in the 2002 Curriculum of the Licenciatura en Idioma en Inglés-Opción Enseñanza at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus. Therefore, the aim of this research study is to find out in what manner students’ low level of English affects them in their achievement when they take English Grammar I, English Pronunciation, English Composition I, Didactics of the English Language I, and Introductions to Linguistics. In addition, it intended to answer the research questions: How does students’ low level of English affect their progress when they take English Grammar I, Pronunciation I, English Composition I, and Didactics of the English Language I?, What are the effects in students’ learning progress when they take English Grammar I, English Pronunciation, English Composition I, and Didactics of the English Language I?, In what manner do these effects impinge upon students’ learning?, and How should the 2002 Curriculum be reorganized to fulfill students’ needs? The method applied by the researchers was the qualitative descriptive method, and the instruments administered to gather the data were three different questionnaires for students, one interview for each of the target subject teachers, one interview for the Coordinator of the Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés-Opción Enseñanza at the Main Campus, and two checklists for Didactics and Compositions classes.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Universitary education ; Curriculum ; English language
Subjects: 300 Ciencias sociales > 370 Educación > 375 Currículos
Divisions: Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente > Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés Opción Enseñanza
Depositing User: Violeta Patricia Valiente
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2018 20:50
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2018 20:50
URI: https://oldri.ues.edu.sv/id/eprint/13208

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