The different levels of writing english proficiency between adults and teens program from the 20th level of the english morning and afternoon regular courses at Centro de Enseñanza de Idiomas de la Universidad de El Salvador (CENIUES) in july 2016

Cárcamo Orellana, Diana del Carmen and Cardona Carrillo, Silvia Verónica and Sánchez Sánchez, Graciela Estefanía (2017) The different levels of writing english proficiency between adults and teens program from the 20th level of the english morning and afternoon regular courses at Centro de Enseñanza de Idiomas de la Universidad de El Salvador (CENIUES) in july 2016. Bachelor thesis, Universidad de El Salvador.


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Writing has been an action made by mankind since thousands of years. Apparently, it is an activity that is normal and easy but also can be complex and a challenging process when it is done in a foreign language. Students who learn English as a foreign language sometimes can find it difficult to produce in an accurate form. So, this research has been centered in the differences of English writing proficiency between Adults and Teens program from the twentieth level of the English morning and afternoon regular courses at Centro de Enseñanza de Idiomas Extranjeros de la Universidad de El Salvador (CENIUES) as well as to know about the current errors students present when writing. In chapter one, it is stated the problem, the objectives, (general and specific), research questions and justification that are the basis to carry out this research. Chapter two is about antecedents of the institution, theoretical framework concerned to the objectives stated for this study, hypothesis and variables involved in this matter. Chapter three deals with the methodological design used by researchers over Adults and Teens students from the twentieth level of the English morning and afternoon regular courses at Centro de Enseñanza de Idiomas Extranjeros de la Universidad de El Salvador (CENIUES) in which it is specified the type of study, research design, population, sampling and the techniques used in order to get data. Chapter four contains the data analysis and its interpretation. Here it is presented the results obtained from the written composition task made by teens and adults of the twentieth level at CENIUES. Also, it is given some conclusions and recommendations to students, teachers and the institution to be taken into consideration to improve this area. Besides, bibliographic information has been added which helped to support the research.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Enseñanza del idioma inglés
Subjects: 400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo
Divisions: Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades > Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas: Especialidad en Frances e Inglés
Depositing User: Ernesto aviles
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2017 14:12
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2017 14:14

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