Analysis of the english proficiency in the four macro skills en the major Profesorado en Idioma Inglés para Tercer Ciclo de Educación Básica y Media of the University of El Salvador

Landaverde Barrera, Leticia Dalila and Hernández, María Verónica, and Orellana Blanco, Katya Vanessa, (2007) Analysis of the english proficiency in the four macro skills en the major Profesorado en Idioma Inglés para Tercer Ciclo de Educación Básica y Media of the University of El Salvador. Bachelor thesis, Universidad de El Salvador.

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The Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador is one of the institutions that is in charge to form professionals in teaching the English language in the Profesorado en Idioma Inglés, which for being a major of three years and focussed on the English language, seems to be very appealing to the ones who want to study in the University of El Salvador. This major is focused on acquiring or getting the knowledge of the psychopedagogical elements which will be useful when the students become teachers. It is important to mention that the 1993 plan of profesorado major came up with excellent results , the Ministry of Education (MINED) decided to change it in the year 1998. Even though many suggestions to MINED were given on the plan they were implementing, their argument was to wait to see the results. It is mandatory to revise the plan that is implemented every five years, the current plan has neither been revised nor reformed yet. This plan is very strong in the teaching practice area, containing five courses but it is very poor in the language skills development area of English; students are exposed to around 570 hours of instruction in English including specialized courses such as the two Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) courses. Among the changes the current plan has had, it can be said that in the year 1998 MINED established the new requirements to get enrolled in this major: to have the advanced level of English. Also MINED implemented a new curriculum adjustment of the Profesorado en Idioma Inglés. This curriculum changed the courses, contents, and methodology in English and Spanish and also increased the number of subjects in Spanish from seven to nine courses. In English the curriculum eliminated the Intensive Basic English, Intermediate Intensive English I and II, Advanced Intensive English I and II, and Introduction to Linguistics, which were core courses for students to get the mechanism of the language. The curriculum implemented five Practice Teaching courses, and the number of credits increased from ninety-six to one-hundred-eight. This present curriculum gives more emphasis to the Spanish and Teaching Practicum courses rather than the English ones. According to MINED, the graduates of the former program have a much better grasp of the specialization subjects, but they lacked the psychopedagogical tenets of the teaching profession. That is to say, they were poorly instructed, and they were not exposed to classroom experience to some extent. That is why MINED implemented more courses in Spanish and added four Practice Teaching courses so that the future teachers could observe, reflect, and act in a real teaching-learning situation.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Inglés -- Enseñanza
Subjects: 400 Lenguas > 420 Inglés e inglés antiguo
Divisions: Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades > Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés Opción Enseñanza
Depositing User: Ernesto Aviles
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2015 15:08
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2016 14:51

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